Monday, February 24, 2014

Glittermondia Strikes Back!

Considering I've done giltter placement manis almost every single Monday of this month, I thought it only logical to end the month in beauty, with... that's right, you guessed it, another glitter placement mani ;)

I went for more of a discreet look, kind of a dreamy one, most feminine and definitely not so flashy as the ones before ;)

Not too certain, are you? Then check it out:

Yep, I went for pink hexagon glitter this time.
And I did it over a white base, rather than a pink one for a real soft look ;)

I've used these clear glitter pieces - they're like transparent pink, and as you can tell from the photos, they change colour depending on the light, which is even more awesome :D

You get anything from pink, to almost white baby pink, to yellow, a couple greens and blues even!

Here, you can see it all.
Including the bubbly topcoat, which was what saddened me about this manicure :(
Still I'm happy about it and it's a rather pretty one, very delicate and feminine like, suitable for a Spring mood :)

I did prepare this in advance and I'm happy I did so, because BF and I went biking yesterday and because I love to do hardcore, of course I also fall of my bike the hardcore way.
Meaning, my fingers are all scuffed and bruised, which you'll be able to tell in tomorrow's manicure ;)

I'm just glad this one doesn't have none of that or it wouldn't look like a very feminine, lady like manicure, now would it? ;)
If you want to see a composition of all of February's glitter placement manicures, head over to my Facebook page or to my Instagram - you'll love it! :)

I hope you had a fantastic Monday - it was sunny here today and I think the season change is on, ladies! Yay! :D
Have a fab evening also and I'll see you tomorrow :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Love the effect these glitters have! Looks like so many different colors :)

    1. Indeed, Lisa - that was my favourite part, too ;)
      Thank you for your comment *

  2. Very pretty!

  3. That's dreamy and soft, yet sparkly. Great! Pink isn't for my fingers too often, s I'm thinking of my bluegreen glequins lying around... that would be more mermaidish :-)

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Greetings from Berlin, Moni

    1. Thank you so much for such an awesome comment, Moni :)
      Mermaidish!! Yay! You go, girl ;) Would love to see those *have a great day, darling*

    2. Yay I'll do this :-) I have some idea for variations, too :-P
      I don't unfortunately know, when I'll find the peace for it in my very busy time...but you'll find them then on my fingertip gallery. I love mermaidish and watery themes :-)
      *have a great day yourself*

    3. Go for it, girl!! :D

  4. Hi Mina,
    I've managed to get them glequins not only onto my fingers, but also on my blog :-)

    Here's the link, hope you like it :-)
    Hugs, Moni


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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