
Thursday, April 09, 2015

Welcome to Lisbon Nail Art #A2Z - V is for Valuable

So... yes... I'm pulling out the cheesy card for this one.

V is for Valuable and nothing's more valuable than home.

I've studied and lived abroad and even if I don't always agree with this country's traditions and politics, it's still my home and I miss it dearly when away.

Lisbon Nail Art
So, here is my valuable: the city of Lisbon (Portugal).
If you haven't yet, you must visit it - you'll love it, guaranteed!

flormar bt09

I chose Flormar Beauty Toys BT09 Mermaid as the background colour to remind me of how even more beautiful this city is with sunny skies (hear that, Spring!?).

Lisbon Nail Art

The rest of the nail art is freehand with acrylic paints and I'm pleased with (1) how not difficult it was - just a teeny time consuming and (2) how lovely it turned out.

Now I want to know - what is your most precious valuable? And, by the way, have you ever visited Lisbon?
I wanna know!

Don't forget to check the inlinkz down below for everyone else's valuables and to see the A2ZNails Hub Page, go HERE.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Aw this is cool! Great freehand work!

  2. you are incredibly talented! love love love it!

  3. Oh so cool looking ~ it looks awesome!

  4. Already want to see every street of it! Beautiful mani! My home town is very small but I love it nevertheless :)

  5. I've heard many wonderful stories of my parents of when they visited Portugal and Lisbon. I'm sure I will visit too someday. Your nails are amazing, your skill is incredible Mina!

  6. These are beautiful, I love all the detailing!

  7. SUCH an amazingly gorgeous nailart! I've only spent a few hours in Lisbon once, but this is making me want to go back :).

  8. Gorgeous - love the sentiment behind this. Beautiful x

  9. Thank you, sweetie, so much! :)

  10. Yay! Do come back - we'll meet and have some fun ;)

  11. Thank you so, so much, honey! <3

  12. Awww, hi to your parents and don't forget to say sth when you do come to visit ;)
    Thank you so much for your sweet words, hun! <3

  13. Thank you! And come and visit me, sweetie! ;)

  14. Thank you so much, John! :D

  15. Awww, thank you so, so much, sweetheart! :))

  16. It makes me so happy to know that! Thank you, honey! <3

  17. Thank you so much, lovely! :))

  18. Thanks, Lisa!! **


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)