
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Weather Nails

Today's nail art is here to bring you facts that account for Spring not being able to keep her part of the deal.

Weather Nail Art

These nails show you, beyond any doubt, that Spring is playing around during working hours.
This has been what the weather's been like this week - foul Spring!

KIKO 327

Bad weather aside, I thought these would be cute and fun to wear and so they were! :)
I painted all my nails a dark grey shade to match the sky, using Kiko No.327.

Weather Nail Art

All the nails art was done using acrylic paint and my very own freehand skills.
And, yes, you're seeing it right - we had thunder (maybe some lightning, too?) on Monday.
Tough life, I know.

I wanna hear what it's like at your end: is Spring mocking you, too? Let me know in the comments and also don't forget to let me know if you'd rock these on your own nails ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Are you really sure you want to? ;)
    We have absolutely gorgeous spring weather, a little chilly in the morning but when the sun shines for a while, it is wonderful. I've actually been sitting in the back yard with a big mug of tea today. And it's supposed to get warmer after Thursday...

    But your, very cute, manicure would be so boring with just sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine so I guess it's for the best ;)

  2. Spring is definitely mocking us too. Snowed a ton last week and ruined my Easter weekend plans of finally getting out to the cabin.

  3. This is so adorable! Reminds me of the weather app on my phone which I'm forever looking at. It's been unusually warm and sunny in England the past few days, hoping it carries on!

  4. This is so fun and I LOVE it! Even though we have grey skies here too, your design makes me smile :D The dots on your pinky look like 3D! Wow :O

  5. Spring has been mocking us a bit but today it's lovely and sunny today! I'll send some your way ;) These nails are hi-la-ri-ous-ly awesome!

  6. la paillette frondeuse09/04/2015, 11:54

    ahahah it look like the weather in Belgium last week ^^ but for this one we have sun and good temperature, i love spring with its fresh mornings and blue skies :) your freehand skills are just perfect, i'm not able to do regular letters on my nails, it always seem as if my 5 yo daughter do it ^^

  7. Hahaha! This is the forecast here in Ohio for sure! At least it's warm (60s F...), right?!

  8. Hahaha! You are so creative hun! :D These made me laugh! I would never have come up with anything like this myself! Weather here is like typical Scandinavian April. Sun and 10 degrees celsius one day, snowing the other day, and so on :P I'm longing for May!

  9. Hee hee so cute but where's the sun!

  10. Ha ha ... so it's not just us Brits that talk about the weather! You made me smile today.; :)

  11. Haha, I feel this so hard, rain rain go away!

  12. Spring is actually kicking in over here! Tomorrow it'll be around 20 degrees - too bad it's getting colder again on Saturday. Like I need good weather when I'm working?! Love the nails, very well executed :D

  13. Yes!! We should start the whole rain song backwards, or something ;)

  14. haha - thanks, luv! I'm longing for May as well, specially 'cause these April showers are becoming more and more Winter sucky days.

  15. So that's where the sun has gone to! ;)
    Can you believe I've removed the weather app from my phone during the Winter - denial was my strong armor against bad weather haha ;)

  16. Joyce, arghhh, you kill meeee!! heheh ;)
    Just kidding, luv, hope you enjoy all the goodness and send over some of that boring sunshine - I promise I won't mind it ;)

  17. These are so totally adorable! <3 OMG...spring has quickly turned into summer here! It was almost 90 degree F here yesterday...NO THANK YOU! I want a milder spring. The rain has been on and off, but not nearly as much as usual.

  18. These are amazing! What a cool idea for nail art!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)