
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tribal Floral Dotticure with Inocos (inspired by Lucy's Stash)

This week's look with Inocos is a Tribal Floral Dotticure inspired by the lovely and forever amazing Lucy's Stash.

Tribal Floral Dotticure

I've been a fan of Lucy ever since I started following nail art blogs - her clean looks, absolutely gorgeous nails and flawless photography have always delighted me.
And her dotticures are one of my faves from her creative nail art gallery. I remember seeing her very first dotticure for SpaRitual and being totally amazed.

Tribal Floral Dotticure

I recreated the look over two different Spring-y gradients:
on my index and pinkie, I used Inocos Pequeno Pónei Céu and Inocos Pequeno Pónei Lima.
on my middle and ring fingers, I went with Inocos Coral Mais Doce and Inocos Pipoca de Saltos.

Tribal Floral Dotticure

I made the dots with black and white (Inocos Pipoca em Viagem) for some lovely contrast and that was it!
I absolutely love Lucy for ever thinking of such a pattern, 'cause it sure is a gorgeous one and not too difficult to achieve, you just need some patience.

Have you ever tried such a dotticure? Do you prefer the artsy, pattern type of dotticure such as this one or are you more a fan of a simple dotticure look? Let me know!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Oh my gosh, these are so colorful and gorgeous! I remember that beautiful Sparitual dotticure too haha - but yours is equally fantastic! The colors make me excited for warmer weather.

  2. Really nice dotting here over that gradient!

  3. I'm happy if all my dots come out uniform. This is a fabulous mani and I love to see what Lucy does. She is certainly talented and has some intricate details that I can only drool over. As with many of your creations, I can just stare in awe. Love the gradient beneath the dots, that really makes the dot pattern pop more.

  4. I immediately recognised the inspiration :) I think yours look just as gorgeous! The gradient bases work so well!!

  5. Oh wow, the gradients are SO smooth! What technique do you use to create them? And the dots are a perfect addition to the look :).

  6. such a pretty manicure! I do like more artsy dotticures, and yours looks phenomenal over the gradient. But I guess no everybody likes to have in their hands the eye-catching effect of dots.

  7. Now that is a lot of dots! I love the effect over the gradient base and the colours you've chosen.

  8. Lotsa dots and it works so well. Love the colours you used!

  9. So pretty, I thought they were actual nail wraps at first! I need to try this out myself!

  10. Wow ! Your mani is amazing ! I love dotticures and this one is perfect ! I love both artsy and simple dotticures :)

  11. You know how some of the simpler looks get so much attention, while the ones you spent ages on they are like MEH. This is one of them :) It's gorgeous, perfect color combos and the right amount of dots, haha! That greenish nail polish is so popping, it's going to look great on you in the summer.

  12. I loved her Easter egg art too!! And this is done sooo beautifully!! I LOVE all four colours on the back ground and the dotting work is just perfection! It also looks like fireworks to me :))

  13. Thank you so much, lovely! And now that you mentioned it, I can see fireworks, too ;)

  14. hahaha - you're right! Nail art isn't always fair hahah
    Thank you so much for your lovely words, ma luv! <3
    ps. this is one of my fave bright green polishes ;)

  15. Thank you so much, honey! You're a darling dear **

  16. Wow, that's a compliment - thanks, sweetie, and go for it ;)

  17. Thanks, John! Dots are fun! And such an easy way to make awesome patterns ;)

  18. hehehe - they're contagious ;)
    Happy you liked it all, dear, thank you *

  19. Thank you so much, you sweet lady - thankfully there's dotticures for all tastes, hey? ;)

    ps. hope your 36 weeks are feeling amazing, sweetie!! <3

  20. Thank youuu! I'm happy to say gradients are not longer an issue - I used a normal sponge to make the gradient, instead of a makeup sponge. But I guess what helps the most is practice ;)

  21. hehehe - it's impossible not to, rihgt? ;)
    Thank you so much, sweetie - happy you liked it all *

  22. Awww, sweetie, you're too kind :)) Thank you so, so much!! <3

  23. Thank you so much, lovely Lisa :)

  24. hehehe - her dotticures are amazing so thank you for the sweet compliment, hun *
    And I can't wait for warmer weather, either ;)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)