
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Freehand Contrasting Stripes #WNAC2015

I'm two days late for this one, but you kno wwhat they say: better late than never.

I wanted this one to be really special and I knew it would take me some time to do it.
So, I postponed doing it and posting it for lack of time but here it is today :)

Here are my contrasting stripesfor WNAC2015.
This month's challenge has been giving me headaches for I don't know really if the colours I choose are contrasting or complementary. 
I guess they're a bit of both, right? ;)

I started with two coats of Bellaoggi Gel Effect No.34 (Sunshine), for a vibrant, sunny look - who else is over and done with Winter, raise their hand.

I then used all Golde Rose Nail Art stripping polishes for the freehanded stripes.
I chose No. 128, 122, 130 and 116 (left to right).

I think this was my first time attempting really thin stripes and I'm not too unhappy about how they came out.

Do you also think they look cool? Let me know down below :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. These are so fun!! I'm loving the bright colors!!

  2. Thank you, sweetie! And I agree: stripes are so cool to wear! ;)

  3. Thank you so much, hun! I'm longing for warmer temperatures, hence the bright colours hehehe

  4. Thank you, dear Lisa :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)