
Friday, February 20, 2015

Fossil Nails #A2Z - O is for Old

The moment I saw this prompt I know straight away what I'd be doing! 

Fossil Nails
'cause nothing says old like fossil remains, that's what I went for and I love the result!

Fossil Nails

I used a ton of polishes for the background and I'm really sad the camera didn't capture the whole effect, but... I can tell you there were at least three different shades of yellow, some nudes and two different brown shades.

Fossil Nails

I did the fossil remains in acrylic paints and a detail brush and, for a first, I can tell you I'm happy with the result :)

How about you? What do you think of these?
Also, have a look at everyone else's designs on the theme (here) and if you'd like a recap of everyone's favourites so far, check Charlie's post about it here.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Oh wow, these are AWESOME! They look so so realistic :-D Great job <3

  2. Thank you so much, sweetie! Glad you liked them ;)

  3. I like how the design is connected over all the nails.

  4. oh my gosh these are amazing you have mad skills

  5. Awe this is wonderful Nail Art!

  6. This is so unique ... I love the sandstone background effect you've created. :)

  7. Thank you so much, sweetie! I just wish I'd been able to capture it better in camera ;)

  8. Thank you so much, John - always love to see you stopping by *

  9. Awww, you're just too sweet - thanks, hun! :))

  10. Thank you, Lisa - I was happy to be able to pull it off :)

  11. "Old like fossil" - great idea! :-) I love your manicure! :-)

  12. Fantastic concept! Love the yellows in the background too - really funky x

  13. hehehe :) Sometimes inspiration does pay off nicely :) Thank you so much, honey - it's a real compliment coming from you **

  14. Thank youuu!! Happy you liked it all, dear :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)