
Sunday, February 22, 2015

HPB Presents Valentine's Snow White Love

Love, pretty much like Christmas, can be celebrated whenever one wants to.
With that in mind, I didn't think it unappropriate to join Hobby Polish Bloggers Valentine's link-up.

Hobby Polish Bloggers is a group of awesome polish blogger ladies, where one shares tips about blogging - the community feeling is great! There are monthly link-ups with a specific theme and last month I joined them in the 'New To You' theme (click here to see that one).

So, here's my romantic take on February's theme:

Snow White Love Nail Art

Inspired by this minimalist poster to Snow White, I painted an apple's remains.
But... is that all there is to it?...

inocos ser poeta

I painted all my nails grey with Inocos Ser Poeta - love how opaque this gorgeous polish is in just one coat.
 Have you managed to see what else is in this picture? Look to the grey parts on the sides of the apple.

Snow White Love Nail Art

Here's a macro shot to help you better at it. Can you see the lovely couple?
The two seeds joined in a heart should give it away ;)
The whole thing was painted in acrylic paints and I can't tell you what a struggle it was to make it look this good! Phew!

Let me know if you also like double images and visual illusion. And what's your opinion on this nail art - one to ten, how good do you think I nailed it?

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Beautiful manicure, great idea! :-)

  2. Awe that is so cute and what a lovely shade this polish is!

  3. Novita Erasma23/02/2015, 17:29

    Ok, this is amazing! I only noticed an apple core until I read further!

  4. Great poster and I like your recreation!)

  5. Thank you so much, lovely*
    The poster is lovely! I love minimalist Art :)

  6. hehehe - thank you so much, dear! Glad you liked it and kept reading further :D

  7. Indeed, John! Greys are so elegant! Thank you for your nice words :)

  8. Thank you so much, honey :) Glad you liked it

  9. Lisa, thank you!! :D

  10. Thank you so much, sweetie! Happy you do! :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)