
Friday, February 20, 2015

Nude Nails and Rhinestones with Inocos - Born Pretty Store Review


This week's look with Inocos mixes a rather elegant nude look with some daring and awesome rhinestones.

Nude Nails and Rhinestones

I love the contrast! On the one hand you have a subtle, delicate shade and then the crazy multichromed rhinestones add a totally new spin on these nails.

inocos pequeno pónei fofinho

I started by applying two coats of Inocos Pequeno Pónei Fofinho - it's your perfect base for a french mani :)

Nude Nails and Rhinestones

And then all I did was choose my middle and ring fingers as my accent nails and add some rhinestones to make them stand out - loooove!!!

I got these rhinestones for review from Born Pretty Store and they're item #16674 (click here to go directly to the link). 
You've got a 10% dicount if you use the code SGBQ10 and the shipping is free worldwide.

macro rhinestones born pretty store

As always, how could I resist a macro shot of these beauties?
You know you wanted to ;)

Don't forget to tell me how you liked these rhinestones and if you also like contrasting manis: sutble with bold ;)
Hope you're having a fantastic Friday!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Great and easy way to rock some rhinestones.

  2. Thank you, lovely - I sure loved wearing them! :)

  3. Beautiful delicate shade and awesome rhinestones, I like the final effect! :-)

  4. Thank you!! This is one of my favourite nude/French nails kinda polish :)

  5. Very interesting blog. Alot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that I'm interested in, but I'm most definately interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know. rhinestones


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)