Friday, November 21, 2014

Red And Gold Nails with Inocos


This week's look with Inocos is again a rather elegant one, but instead of bridal, innocent like, I bring you a shade which add a fierce and sexy tone to it as well.

INOCOS elegant red nails with heart studs

Inocos Desgarrada is a gorgeous deep burgundy colour, on the metallic-y side, that slides beautifully on the nail and covers in two effortless coats.

elegant red nails with heart studs

It does need a topcoat to disguise the few brushe strokes that innevitably appear on such metallic-y polishes, but they're not major.

elegant red nails with heart studs

With such a passion colour, nail art hearts were a must, of course, so I took my golden heart studs, because red and gold are a classic ;)

elegant red nails with heart studs

To finish it off, I added some caviar golden beads to my index and pinkie and voilá.
I could paint the town red wearing these - they're even making me want to go for a night out ;)

How about you? What are your thoughts on red & gold combos? Do you like red polishes? What finish do you prefer?
Let me know all about it ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. This polish looks so beautiful on you! Those tiny beads make me giggle - I love them!

  2. Awww, thank you so much!! And I'm with you on that - caviar beads are tops heheh :))

  3. Thank you so much, honey - glad you liked it ;)

  4. galorious.blogspot.com26/11/2014, 14:44

    simply elegant :D


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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