Sunday, April 21, 2013

Colour Me Bright!

Sometimes you get inspired by great nail bloggers and today's manicure is a perfect example of that.

Nailside did an amazing design and tutorial almost half a year ago and I picked that design up to use some brand new polishes I got.

This just goes to show you - once a good nail blogger, always a good nail blogger :)

I wish mine had come out just as neat and perfect as hers but... I don't think they ended up all that bad - wanna see?

Guess who picked up only bright colours? ME! :))
It's been quite sunny and warm outside and when that's the case, my already strong inclination to brigh vibrant colours takes a major leap forward ;)

I started with plain nails first - here's a (kind of) swatch from my Sunday's babies:
Pinky and index finger - Inocos Pipoca na Praia
Middle Finger - Inocos Pipoca de Saltos
Ring Finger - Perfect Lady No.31

And can I just say I love every one of them to bits?
They're all two coaters - yes, including that gorgeous yolk yellow polish!
And they dry amazingly fast! I actually had some rough lines when I used the tape because of that - who would have known? ;)

Now, I'd seen Nailside's tutorial yesterday and recreated this at Boyfriend's house fom memory.
You can tell my memory isn't all that great, right? haha
Anyway, I placed the tape to form a square on the left corner of each nail and applied a different polish on each nail.
You can tell by my index where I had a problem with fast-drying - the edges are rough :/

I then let the square bit dry fully before applying more tape in a triangular shape and then the polish on each nail.

You can see I tried to cover the rough edges on the index's square, hence my triangle looking different from the rest, but despite its rough bits I still loved this look :)

What do you think? Was it a good rendition of Nailside's one?
Did you like the polishes I used or are they just too bam-in-you-face-bright? ;)

Make sure you write to me about it in the comments below and brace yourselves for a challengy week ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I LOVE your version! The colors are so fresh and '80s, though the whole mani somehow reminds me of some art deco buildings in Miami, that obviously aren't in '80s style. Long story short: it looks awesome, haha! :-D

    1. Oh wow! Your comment just made me sooo happy - what an awesome compiment, and moreover coming from you! Weee **
      Thank you so much - I'm just really glad you liked it! :))

  2. Edges, smedges! Let's forget all about them. This design is AMAZING! And let me tell you a secret: I love your nails much better than the original version <3 Love, love, love the colors. They go so well together. I might actually steal the color combo one day ;)Really great job Mina <3

    1. hahah - edges, smedges! Now you made me laugh! And blush really hard! Thank you so much for such an awesome comment! Will be having my dinner with a big smile on my face :)

  3. I just love this! Perfect color selection.

  4. I think this looks SO cool! I love the colors you used :)

    1. :D Thank you so much! These polishes are indeed beautiful! :)

  5. I like your version of this manicure, and I love the colors you used! I think you did a great job :D

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment - really glad you likes it! **

  6. I love this! Totally reminds me of Saved by the Bell tv show intro! Well done.

    1. haha - I used to love that show when I was younger! :) You brought back really good memories and I'm happy you enjoyed these! Thank you **

  7. Amazing!! I love how bright it is :D x

    1. Thank you so much! So glad you liked it! :)

  8. This is really funky! GREAT pattern and color combos.


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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