
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Summer Watermarble Nails Gone Wrong

So, it's no news that only nail art masters can make anything beautiful come out of a watermarble session.

As I am no master, you know today's nails aren't gonna be pretty. You'll end this post with a 'meh' look on your face. You have been warned!

Stamping Summer Watermarble Nails

See what I did here?
I thought I was making it better, but apparently you can make a bad mani turn into an even worse nightmare.

Summer Watermarble Nails

This is what I started with - I applied two coats of a white polish to make the polishes pop but somehow I didn't even manage to do that right.
And do you see the bald white patches? And some air bubbles, too?

Stamping Summer Watermarble Nails

I didn't want to go out with the nails as they were, so I thought, maybe some stamping will save these.
Well... I was wrong... again!
I used Born Pretty BP-13 stamping plate.
It was late at night, I had to go to bed and I left these as they were, vanquished and defeated as only watermarble can do.

Tell me all of your crusade adventures with watermarble, I wanna know!!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. The watermarble underneath is simply beautiful!

  2. Excuse me. I say this with love but you need to STFU Mina! :D These are (both) gorgeous!!

  3. Uhm...Mina..? You are one crazy lady!! How gorgeous was that water marble?! It was stunning! I would have simply tried to patch in the white areas, it was so beautiful! I do like it with the stamping also, it is very interesting to look at. I think you should be less hard on yourself, it turned out better than you think <3

  4. Looked pretty good to me before the stamping!

  5. Sometimes I do the same thing - I love my base nail art and then I decide to push the envelope - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't!

  6. MandyChameleonStampede21/05/2015, 16:49

    While I agree with you that only some people (myself NOT included) can do the amazingly perfect water marble where each nail looks exactly the same pattern and there are no air bubbles in sight... your mani looks BEAUTIFUL! I gave up on achieving that level of perfection a long time ago LOL This is a gorgeous mani Mina, before and after the stamping! <3

  7. Girl, you are too harsh for yourself. This looks like a great marble!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)