
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Color Block Spring Nails

I love colour block nails - they're easy to do, not very time consuming and they look great- the perfect look for the modern woman, with oh-so-much-to-do-but-I-still-want-to-look-fabulous :)

So, that's what I have to show you today:

Color Block Spring Nails

And if I may say so myself, after yesterday's mani fail, these look pretty awesome.
Love the colours, the execution, the whole thing - how very modest of me, I know :)

kiko nail lacquer

I applied three different colours over a white base, using Kiko 340 Light Blue, Kiko 330 Lilac and Kiko 297 Acid Green, and freehanded the colour block pattern.

CF Beauty Cosmetics Velvet Top Coat

 I applied a matte top coat, because I was feeling the whole velvet finish and I love how it turned out.
I used CF Beauty Cosmetics Velvet Top Coat.

Color Block Spring Nails

To finish it all and disguise some not so straight lines, I applied some striping tape in metallic pink.
This is actually a great tip - you can easily freehand a colour block pattern of your liking and then use striping tape to mask imperfect lines :)

So, in a scale of 'meh' to 'awesome', how do you rate these? ;)
And also let me know if you love colour block designs on your nails - I just think they're so eye-catching! 

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I definitely rate them awesome! ;) I think adding a matte top coat was a super good choice, those colours look lovely matteified! I love colour blocking, it's one of my favourite techniques :)

  2. The color blocking looks great!

  3. Great design! Do the stripping tapes stay in place without top coat? I like tapes but they don't wear nicely :-(
    Love your blog! Hugs from argentina!

  4. I totally love these! The colours are so pretty together. You are making me lust after Kiko polishes!

  5. Wow...Awesome piece of work here to get this stunning look!

  6. Well of course awesome! :) I really like the matte finish and the colours you chose, very Spring-y!

  7. Amazing ! I'd rate these "awesome" as you may guess :D I love this color-block mani !

  8. I've never tried colour clock designs yet, but this looks sooo inspiring and your description sounds rather manageable !! I totally adore this colour combo :D I wish I had the cute pink metallic tape <3

  9. I felt like my eyes were deceiving me for a second with the matte finish but I LOVE it. I tend to use matte topcoats on nudey bases and I absolutely love that you've done it with neons, I'm going to have to switch things up a bit!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)