
Sunday, January 04, 2015

31DC2015 Day 3 - Water Spotting - Purple Nails

This comes a day late for yesterday it was Mum & Daughter's bonding time and I had to make a choice: first things first ;)

Anyway, I bring you my nails for the water spotting theme, which if I may say so don't look too bad, considering I never get the perfect water spotting pattern (never!!).

Take a look yourself:

water spotting nails

It does look beautiful, right?
Just not quite marble like - I can never get the bubble like pattern 100% right :(

purple water spotted nails

I started by painting my nails two coats of Purple Professional Wonderland Adorable (remember this one?).
You can still see it underneath the purple.

purple water spotted nails

And then I used Inocos Clérigos to do the water spotting. Even if I not getting it 100% right, I still prefer this technique to water marbling haha :)

Hope you've liked seeing this - I've got to say I really like the pattern/design on this one.
I will be seeing you very soon today with Day 4 ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Ugh, waterspotting is my nemesis. Okay not really, but it isn't my favorite. I love how your pinky turned out, it's perfect to me!

  2. Very neat outcome these water spotting nails gave you. I really should give it a try.

  3. Very cool effect! Love the colors combination chosen by you.

  4. Oh just so gorgeous!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)