
Sunday, September 07, 2014

31DC2014 - Day 7: B&W Nails

Another day to 31DC2014 and I did it again! :D
This mani was thought for and made to fit three purposes: 31DC2014, this month's first challenge of Polisher's Inc. and a group's challenge on making a nail art to the theme: movies!

I'm a champion! Oh yeah! :))
Or not ... 'cause really my mani isn't all that perfect but bugger that hehehe

31DC2014 - Day 7: B&W Nails

Ladies, I bring you one of my favourite movies: Singing in the Rain!! :)

Singing in the Rain nails

Yes, they're not perfect, yes Gene Kelly's facial expression reminds you either of a lady or of an alien, but we're not minding that now, are we? ;)

Gene Kelly nails

I started by painting my nails white, using Inocos Pico.
And then I went in with my black acrylic paint and tried to paint the mythical scene from Singing in the Rain - how can anyone not love this movie? :)

31DC2014 Black and white nails

I don't consider this neither a fail nor a great success - I love every aspect of today's nails apart from the singer's face (way too weird but I was tired of erasing and trying again, so I left it looking like this and that's that ;) hehehe)

I hope you still somehow manage to like these and thank you for embarking with me on this crazy rollercoaster. I haven't been replying to all your sweet comments for lack of time but I read every single one of them and it keeps me going - THANK YOU! <3

Also, don't forget to fo check out all the incredible manis from the Polisher's Inc. ladies ;)


Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Last Year's B&W Nails:


  1. WOW! This is just wow! I think you did it great - the whole rainy atmosphere and the singing face!

  2. Wonderful take on that movie! I think you picked up the concept in a terrific, impressionistic art style. Love this particular scene - it is the one most everyone knows! Bravo on recreating the various elements of it!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)