
Saturday, September 06, 2014

31DC2014 - Day 6: Violet Nails

For Day 6, as I was lacking major inspiration, I went with a pattern I'd been wanting to make ever since seeing ChristabellNails tutorial (this one here).

31DC2014 quatre foil violet nails

I used Inglot No.152 and Kiko Pearly Orchid (No.302) for this look.

31DC2014 Violet Nails

I opted for the simple quatre foil look instead of the more elaborate one Christabelle shows in the video, because, to be honest, I wasn't feeling it.
For some reason, I think this pattern is too serious and grown up and I wasn't much liking to see it on my own nails.

quatre foil Nails

Maybe I'm being over-dramatic - I got used to the nails around midday but... there was always that feeling back in my mind, know what I mean?
Don't get me wrong: it's a lovely pattern but it just felt weird on me ;)

31DC2014 - Day 6: Violet Nails

I was finding it weird that 31DC2014 had been 'Drama' free so far hahah ;)
Well, there's days and there's days. Today wasn't one of my favourite so I'll just have to make up for it tomorrow, right? Right! :)

Have a cosy Saturday, lovelies! (it's raining here - Summer, you fickle thing!)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Last Year's Violet Nails:
    * Violet Nails!


  1. Very nice. I really like the pattern.

  2. I really love this on you actually! Beautiful colour combo, too :)

  3. The colors are perfect. That particular pattern is not a favorite of mine - just my personal taste, though. Too static or stilted looking and, at the same time, too busy looking, or something. But you executed it very well!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)