
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Throwback Thursday With Love

Would you believe me if I told you I had to search for te meaning of this one?
I mean, I did know the general meaning of a Throwback Thursday and what you had to do to follow along with it, but I was a tad curious on what started the whole trend thing.

I found this and it proved a nice read, actually. And that brought along this article, which talks about special themes for all days of the week - jeez!

But why join the trend now? 
I posted a special 'event' last night on FB and Instagram and was filled with your sweet words and love and this one also shows how much I appreciate all your support.

This cute mani was originally done after Valentine's day this year, and I didn't post it because... I figured everyone was sick and tired of hearts already (me included ;)).

romantic heart nails for Valentines

Look at that! My old shape and all! And see that bruise on my pinkie?
It was from when I had a major fall from my bike hahaha
(See? Throwback Thursdays can be fun ;))

romantic heart nails for Valentines

Now the reason behind this mani is this piece of fabulous white chocolat BF got me for Valentine's Day. 
I wanted to do something special to remember such a cute gift and I couldn't think of anything better than a mani inspired by it :)

romantic heart nails for Valentines

The funniest thing about painting these nails though is that I did them while watching Alien - talk about romantic, right?  
I'm weird like that and Alien is just so good you can watch it anytime  ;)

I hope you've liked this little peak into the past - it was short but sweet ;)
Thank you for all the love and smiles you bring me everyday - they're much appreciated  <3
And look forward to tomorrow... 
Let's just say... it might involve palm trees :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Very cute. Ok now I need to go to IG to see this event-type thing

    1. hahaha - and there's others for the rest of the week, too - crazy people, I tell you ;)
      Thank you for stopping by, hun <3

  2. I found it cute, interesting post! I wish you a great Friday and weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, lovely! And have a fabulous weekend, too :))

  3. These are so cute, such a happy feeling comes from them! I love it! <3


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)