
Friday, August 22, 2014

Romantic Sunset With Inocos

I had to start today's post with a photo instead of words, 'cause an image is worth a thousand words, you know that. 

Gradients just have some magical thing about them, don't you think? :))
I'm really happy with how this gradient turned out, specially because it's so similar to the picture I chose to guide me (click here) :)

gradient nails

I love, love, love the gradient I manage to create with Inoeh Care beautiful polishes!
I've used Inocos Maria Bonita, Inocos Soneto, Inocos Concertina and Inocos Cocó (in this order).

tropical nails

The whole theme to this manicure came from me wanting to do my own take on Narmai's Epic Love Stories.
(If you don't know who I'm talking about, you've been living under a rock! ;))

romantic nails

Narmai is The amazing nail artist behind «Piggie Luv».
I kneeled and paid my respects when she started her Love Story series, and I'm really happy they're now on their '3rd Season' ;)
(She also did one of my favourite Cat Manis in the whole history of Nail Art, which, yes, I'm hoping to recreate some time ;) click here and here)

love nails

After looking at those gorgeous pieces of art, you now totally see where my inspiration came from, right? ;)
At first I wanted to make the couple from my sunset gradient inspiration picture but I couldn't get it right!
Just... wasn't happening!

palm trees in the sunset

I did a simple 'hold-me-forever-in-your-arms' type of thing instead and I think they turned out really cute :))
And last but not least...

kissing in the sunset

I mastered palm trees!!!! YAY for me!! :))
They're not yet perfect but I love that I manage to create that awesome wispy look ;)
Considering I turned palm trees into mountain trees on my first failed attempt, I'd say not bad, hey?
Patting myself in the back right now ;)

And now enough of overloading your screen with a gazillion photos.
I wish you a fantastic weekend, with the fabulous landscape of your dreams and we'll talk soon! :))

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. This is gorgeous! That gradient is lovely.

  2. That looks perfect! And I also checked out your inspiration picture and wow, I want my engagement pictures like that! Now first to find a man... But seriously, you picked the perfect colors for your gradient to get a sweet, soft look and then with tge romantic couple on top, it's amazing! Thanks so much for linking back to me and I'm really glad you like my cat mani too, haha!

  3. what an absolutely beautiful gradient it's amazing and i love the silhouette!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)