Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Graffiti Flowers

... was what BF called the flowers I have on my nails today.

And I tell you that if it wasn't for him, I would've actually wiped all my nails cleans, despite having spent somewhat around an hour and a half doing them.

I'm not completely convinced these are good but still... I hope you like them:

Can you see why BF called these graffiti flowers?
Don't know if because of the background or the flowers but either way...

I started off with two coats of It Style No.107, which got then saran wrapped with:
Perfect Lady No.22 (white)
Coral No.101 (metallic blue)
Golden Rose Nail Art No.103 (pink)

I then took my three stripers: Kiss SPA12 Black, Kiss SPA02 White and Golden Rose Nail Art No.103 to make the weird looking flowers you see on my nails.

I started with black, figuring out it would be much easier to then paint white on top than outline the petals.
On top of the white I did another layer of pink and finished with some black lines in the middle of each flower.
As you can see, I was a bit all over the place and, because I hadn't quite determined how I wanted the center, they all look different and some more horrid than others 

My favourite? My thumb!
I think the saran wrap is cute, the petals look somewhat detailed and soft and the middle is the perfect accent rather than a smudged whatever.

Please comment down below if these also gave you the graffiti feeling and if you think they're a disgrace comment as well :)
(I'm so getting me some acrylic paints this weekend!!)

Have a great day and make it a happy one, sun or no sun - don't be a morning grumpy potatoe, like yours truly

You know I love you though ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. These look great!!! I'm so glad you didn't wipe them off! :)I could never do anything this good and love the colour combo of the background.

    1. Awww - that means a lot. Thank you so much! And although this mani is no big deal and far from perfect, I believe trial and error together with practice help a lot! So don't give up to thinking you could never do it ;)

  2. It's a joke???? They are gorgeous!! It's a pity to think that you could wipe something like this in the past and din't show it to us :( Never do this again!! :) Great! Great! Great!

    1. hahaha - you made me feel so much better about them! THANK YOU so much, Anastasia! **

  3. You're kidding, right? It may be because I like graffiti, but these are some of the coolest nail art flowers ever!

    1. Awww, hun, thank you so much! You're the best! :D

  4. I am so happy that you didn't clean them out! They are so cute and summer-like! Love it :) And I agree, your thumb rocks!
    About acrylic paints: I got some a few weeks ago (!) and I so scared to try them :D hahahah

    1. hahaha - you're like me! i have been postponing buying them for fear of spending the money and then being a clutz when actually using them ;)
      But we mustn't keep it that way! This weekend I'm getting them and using them (I think) haaha
      Thank you for you super sweet comment, darling! :D

    2. I think you are right. It's about time we give it a go! :)

    3. Let's do it!!!!!!!!! :D

  5. I think these look really cool. I like the flowers and the contrast of the background. Glad you showed them!

    1. Thank you so, so much! So glad you like them enough to have been happy I showed them! :D

  6. I'm glad you didn't wipe it off, it's so cool! Love the clean bright flowers against the background :)

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa, for your sweet comment! So happy you liked them :)

  7. Told ya ;)

  8. Your graffiti flowers are so pretty and thumb is my favorite too :)

    1. You're the sweetest! :) thank you so much, Irmak! **

  9. I'm so glad your BF didn't let you wipe these off! I love everything about this manicure!

    1. Awwww - that's so sweet of you to say ;)
      He nods in agreement and also thanks you for your nice comment! **

  10. I really like them! and that's soo cute of your bf to give you the confidence to keep them on <3 listen to him! xx

    1. Wise words indeed, Char! :) Thank you for your great comment, darling**

  11. Não tinha visto este post! hups!
    Estão bué giras! E realmente parecem flores de grafite! hehe


    1. Lol - acontece e não tem mal nenhum :)
      Obrigada pelo elogio **


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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