
Monday, August 15, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does Negative Space: Day 1 - Freehand Jigsaw Nails

Good morrow, world!!
We're in for another scorcher today and  Digit-al Dozen is happy to bring you some nakkies to countermeasure it ;)

This week we're going for Negative Space Nails, which, if you remember, explains THIS post here.
I was so excited for this week I actually prepared for it a week in advance - haha!

Let's show you the first look then:

Freehand Jigsaw Nails

Why  not start the week with a blast of colour? You know me, after all :)

Freehand Jigsaw Nails

I wanted to incorporate different colours and jigsaw nails came to mind.

Freehand Jigsaw Nails

I didn't want the normal jigsaw pieces, so I went for zig-zag ones, 'cause taking the challegen up a notch is way more fun!

Freehand Jigsaw Nails

These were all freehanded with much dedication, nail polish and acrylic paint and I'm so proud on how they came out! Major feels for these!

Don't forget to check the gallery below before you leave - it's filled with nail art gems.
See you tomorrow for more!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina * 


  1. Your free handed jigsaw nails look fantastic!

  2. These nails are so much fun, I love them!! Great color choices!

  3. I'm totally in love with these, I'm excited to see what you have for the rest of the week!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)