
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does Rainbows: Day 3 - Rainbow Bubbles Nail Art

Hello, gorgeous people!!

We're on DD day 3 - is this week going by fast or what!
I've got a pretty nifty mani to show you today, much inspired by THIS lovely video tutorial by Sea Lemon.

She's got wonderful DIYs and little projects that look like a lot of fun, especially if you're into notebooks and planners and all that jazz!

Let's take a look at my rainbow bubbles nail art then:

Rainbow Bubbles Nail Art

Aren't these a cheery view?
I love how rainbow colours are a shot of hapiness on their own :)

Rainbow Bubbles Nail Art

I painted my nails two coats of black, using Inocos Efeitos 0% Preto.

I then had another look at Sea Lemon's video again and freehanded my own rainbow bubbles, with a nail art brush and some acrylic paints,not forgetting the white edge around each to really make them pop.
Finish with a shiny top coat for full effect and you're good to go!

Check everyone's colourful rainbows in the gallery below and see you back here tomorrow for more.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Those rainbow colored bubbles are so fun. At first, I thought they were lips.

  2. Oh my goodness, these are perfection Mina. If anyone could pull off a free handed bubbles, it's YOU my talented friend :* The black base was a perfect choice for this nail art. The bubbles are contrasting with the background so beautifully.

  3. How do you get those thin, neat white lines? You're magical. I love Rainbow Bubbles and would totally wear this! Love them!

  4. Ohhh these are so whimsical and cool! I'm really hoping to have some time later today to go through and read ALL the DD posts for this week. You ladies are amazing!

  5. These rainbow nails are so much fun and I love the timing of this challenge week after what happened in Orlando :) <3

  6. You are always so creative Mina! How do you do it? They look just gorgeous!

  7. These are so cute! I thought they were flowers at first but I see it now haha


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)