
Monday, December 28, 2015

piCture pOlish Kryptonite and Thumbs Up Roco Nail Wraps my  beautiful people!
I hope you've had a lovely Christmas time with your favourite human and non-human beings.

I'm glad to say I had a smashing time, away up north in the country with very limited Internet connection and no computer whatsoever!
I feel reinvigorated and I hope you do, too!

I did no nails nor did I engage in social media and it felt amazing!! And what's more I got away from all the holiday crazyness which was starting to annoy me some. Let's face it - weren't you a teensy bit tired of all the Christmas nail art? I sure was.

So, for today, for a bit of an eye cleanse, here's a real quick and simple nail art look, which has nothing to do with the holidays! :)

piCture pOlish Kryptonite and ThumbUp Roco Nail Wraps

Now, doesn't that feel good? Wearing something on your nails, for the pure joy of it and not because 'tis in season?
As a blogger or nail artist, do you also feel that (terrible, horrible) pressure?

piCture pOlish Kryptonite and ThumbUp Roco Nail Wraps

I chose to wear one of my favourite nail polishes piCture pOlish Kryptonite and I still get amazed at how beautiful it is.

piCture pOlish Kryptonite and ThumbUp Roco Nail Wraps

I applied two coats of it , except on my middle finger, where I wanted a pretty accent nail that I wanted to be an easy peasy statement nail.
I chose ThumbsUp Nail Wraps Roco to help me out with that and I have to thank my awesome friend Paulina for offering me these.

piCture pOlish Kryptonite and ThumbUp Roco Nail Wraps

They apply beautifully and don't  leave bubbles or wrinkles as some other I've tried.
And I was done in 15 minutes, thank you very much! Yay for flash manis!

Let me know your favourite method of nail arting when you're going for a flash mani.
I hope to be seeing you soon.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. That green is lovely and the nail wrap looks really great too.

  2. This shade of green looks absolutely perfect on you sweetie! I'm so glad that you could get away for a while and get a proper rest! We were missing your nail art though.

  3. I'm absolutely with you - I get sick of Christmas imagery pretty fast, even though I love the holiday itself and time with family.
    Gorgeous nails, I love that wrap! Even as a blogger I still do nails just for myself, I'd have to say dry brush is my favourite out the door nail art!

  4. Oh this is fun! Kryptonite is gorgeous. Sounds like you had a fabulous holiday :)

  5. I dont have that PP shade but have now seen you wear it twice, and you're making me want it!! I did NO nails Christmas nails on myself this year. It was awesome! I'm glad you had a lovely break xx

  6. Wow this is so beautiful and eye catching! I love the wraps, they have a beautiful effect with the PP shade. I don't really feel pressured into seasonal nail art - most of the time I ignore it and do what I want but I've enjoyed Halloween and Christmas nail art this year! Ran out of oomppf for New Years though!

  7. While at first I thought the wrap and the piCture pOlish was a bit of an odd pairing, I actually really dig the way it looks together! The wrap has so much beautiful detail, and that green shade is just so OOMPH gorgeous!

  8. What an interesting nail wrap! It's really cool. But I especially love Kryptonite! What an amazing green!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)