
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Quick Nail Art - Violets on Magnetic Nail Polish is going to be a busy week and time for detailed nail art needs to be spared. So, for today's post, I prepared something fast but still eye-striking and beautiful.

floral nails

This looks beautiful and took me less than 20min to achieve.

quick nail art

I painted my nails with Wycon Magnetic No.505 (you  might have seen a swatch of this one a week ago HERE) and did some magic with a magnet.

magnetic nails

I then applied some violet floral waterdecal on top of it and voilá! I was done! :)
I've reviewed these decals before (read all about it HERE) if you're interested in where I got them from.

Gotta love quick nail art looks, am I right?
Hope you had a lovely day - mine was better than yesterday and I'm sure Wednesday will totally rock ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. The violets look great against the magnetic polish color.

  2. I haven't tried much magnetic polish (the one I tried was terrible so I never really went any further) but the water decals look amazing paired with the magnetic waves!

  3. These are outstanding! It's been a long time since I used a magnetic polish, but this makes me want to pull them out again!

  4. I forgot about magnetic nail polish! It was such a fleeting trend but a great one! I love what you did here. Those violets are absolutely perfect!

  5. Wow, those decals are some of the prettiest I've ever seen! So good!

  6. This makes me want to dust off my magnetic polishes! Very pretty Mina!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)