
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kawaii Cat Nail Art inspired by Momocheet

For today's nails I was inspired by Momocheet, a most adorable cat, creation of Christy from BeKyoot

He has a bunch of adventures and mishaps based on life and laughter along with some other equally lovely characters , inspired by 'the pursuit of cuteness'.

You should totally check Christy's work - it'll light up your day for sure and her talent to cuteness is to die for. 

I mean, c'mon!, her warning note on Facebook says it so itself: 'Beware, good friends, for here there be KYOOT things, and they like to infect you with squee's and smiles and sugar high happy dances'.

Onto today's nails then:

Kawaii Cat Nail Art

Doesn't this say cute all over it?

I was inspired by THIS picture originally.

Kawaii Cat Nail Art

I used Inglot O2M No.665, which I think has changed with time, for it used to be a very light mint-y colour and is now a light blue-ish one.
Also, don't know if you can tell, I did a radial gradient on my middle and ring fingers, but it's pretty much invisible because of the light glare :(

Kawaii Cat Nail Art

I freehand Momocheet with acrylic paints and tried to have her across two nails.

What do you think? Did I succeed? I hope I  managed to make you smile at least.

I've had a terrible mood-swing-y day and I tried to paint something to lighten up.
Do you also do that? Go for nail art to cheer yourself up and relax from the world? Let me know!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

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You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)