
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Twin Mani with Paulina from Paulina's Passions - Cute Watermelon Nails

I always jump at the opportunity for a lil' nail art session with my good friend Paulina. Can't wait to meet you in person, girl! :D

You know her from Paulina's Passions and if you don't, click the link 'cause you're missing out big time - you'll thank me later!

You know how Paulina is the Nail Art Queen of Roses (and all floral nails, really) but we wanted something cuter and more Summer like, so this time, we went with...


... a cute watermelon pattern she found HERE.
I love that we both went for different approaches - different nail art interpretations are always so much fun to see. 
It's like a behind the brain scene kinda thing :)

Summer Watermelon Nails

My favourite part about these is that the watermelon slices have two different colours, it adds so much dimension to the whole design, don't you think?

Neon Watermelon Nails

While Paulina went for a lighter pink in her index, I chose a more intense one and used Bellaoggi No.22 Summer Red.
The green nails were painted two coats of Inocos Pequeno PĆ³nei Lima.

Cute Watermelon Nails

And I freehanded the watermelon slices with acrylic paint.
Doing the seeds was actually the worst part - Paulina and I were cursing at them together!! haha! Annoying little things!
For a final touch, I added a tear shaped rhinestone to my index finger, as in a watermelon seed.

Hope you liked these Summer nails and make sure you check Paulina's cute nails HERE - don't forget to drop her a comment, too, she's the sweetest :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie, I know we talked all evening, but I just popped by to tell you again how amazing you are. These cute watermelons make me so happy! Unfortunately I have to remove them tomorrow morning as I can't wear polish to work, so I gotta enjoy while it lasts. Thank you again for this awesome adventure and I hope we do another one soon :* Love you.


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)