
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Henna Nails

I wanted to do some free freehand today. Which means, no computer on for guidance, no picture on my phone to count as inspiration, no book, no movie, nothing at all, except my head and the brush on my nails. 

Summer Henna Nails

I ended up with some nice henna like nails, perfect for summer.
The last time I did something like this was HERE, ages ago, even my  nail shape was completely different back then!

Kiko Sugar Mat No.639 Golden Mandarin

I painted my nails with two coats of Kiko Sugar Mat No.639 Golden Mandarin.
I think I might have caught on a new trend for me - freehanding over texture polishes is just too much fun!

Summer Henna Nails

I used black acrylic paint to freehand the different motifs on each nail, to really make them stand out.

They were fun to make and to wear - and I'm really pleased with the difference in my brush strokes from a year ago. Do you think so too?

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I like the henna design on the tips so much!

  2. These are very pretty, your freehand is really good! Sometimes when you just go with your imagination it turns out wonderful <3

  3. I'd say your head had a pretty great idea and your paintbrush executed it so well <3

  4. These are beautiful. I love using textured polish for nail art. I think your linework is stunning, and your mind does just fine without needing inspiration and just going with the flow.

  5. Sometimes freehand patterns come out much better with any other inspiration image! I love what you made!

  6. I saw your nails and I thought "ooh pretty stamping" and then I read "freehand" I was like whaaaaaaat! You're insane Mina! These are so gorgeous!

  7. Girl, you are so talented! I thought this was done with stamping!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)