
Monday, March 16, 2015

Simple Tape-Manicure Nails

Sometimes, the right polishes and the simplest idea make for some stunning nail looks :)

I loved wearing today's nails, 'cause they were all that: simple to make, with great colours and gorgeous to look at.

Simple Tape-Manicure Nails

While I love all the complicated patterns one can make with stripping tape, I can't help but a-do-re this simple one.

vernizes Inocos

I started with a base of Inocos Pipoca à Chuva, which is the most gorgeous metallic blue shade I've worn lately. I love how luminous it is!

Simple Tape-Manicure Nails

I then applied a piece of stripping tape to the middle of each nail and layered my base with Inocos Pipoca de Galochas, which has gotten me head over heels just as much.
These two are so perfect together, they ought to be soul mates :)

How about you? Do you also get this excited when you nail a great colour combo?
And how do you feel about stripping tape - do you go for crazy, maze like designs or do you prefer the simplest ones, such as this? Let me know!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. This is so strikingly simple and so awesome at the same time! I love it!

  2. It is a great pairing! I love it when I find two or more shades that go so well together.

  3. These thin and super neat blue lines made the entire nails look so gorgeous and elegant!! I love it so much :D

  4. How glossy is that polish?! So lovely! I prefer simple designs myself, I rarely have the patience for the crazy intricate ones!

  5. Beautiful! I've been searching for a manicure that I could do for my first try with striping tape and I've found it... now if only the weekend would come a bit sooner so I can sit down and play :)

  6. Woah your lines are so perfect Mina! Teach me your ways haha! Great colour combo <3

  7. Lovely! the metallic line is very eyecatching in the middle of the creme nail polish!

  8. what a lovely striking polish

  9. I love simple ideas like this, it has such a striking effect!

  10. The metallic base makes it pop so beautiful. The lines are perfectly crisp as well.

  11. Victoria - manicurator18/03/2015, 06:46

    You are so right. I'm all about the impact a simple nail art design can make! These are lovely!

  12. This design optically lengthens your nails. Love the two colors together!

  13. I know just what you mean ;) It's a great optical trick, hey?
    Glad you liked the colour combo, dear*

  14. Exactly! I'm learning more and more all about that impact simple designs can make ;)

  15. Thanks, sweetie - amen to striping tape hehe ;)

  16. Plus, there's no hassle involved and no stress over countless pieces of striping tape, am I right? ;)

  17. Happy you liked it, John :)

  18. It's such a nice pop of colour, right? Discreet but impossible not to notice :)
    Glad you liked it, sweetie *

  19. Striping tape all the way everyday hehehe ;)

  20. Oh, that's great - hope you find the time for it and specially that you have fun, dear ;)

  21. I know, right? It's perfect!!
    I'm finding myself more and more in love with simpler designs, rather then tricky, crazy ones.

  22. Thank you so much, sweetie! Such a great compliment coming from you <3

  23. Oh, how you understand me well, then ;) Glad you liked these, hun *

  24. Thank you so much, Lisa :)

  25. I wouldn't have said it any better :) Thanks, luv **


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)