
Monday, March 09, 2015

Floral Nails - #thelittlenailartgallery

If you follow me on Instagram, you might already know what I'm talking about.

Sweet Karen, aka @herrmham has come up with the idea to creat a Little Nail Art Gallery, where periodically she'll challenge people to recreate a certain artwork.

THIS was the inspiration piece for this time and as for my interpretation, here you have it:

Floral Tulip Nails

I'm not the best at painting flowers, let alone at creating dimension, but I believe that one needs to start some place and practise makes perfect, so I just need to keep at it ;)

Barry M Gold Foil Effects

In case you're curious, the background polish is Barry M Gold Foil Effects.

HERE's a Flipagram of everyone's creations. And because we all know how fast's the speed of these videos, you can just consult the #thelittlenailartgallery hashtag on Instagram :)

How about you? Are flowers also a challenge for you or are you a pro at it?
Let me know and, maybe, next time you'll join us, hey? :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. These look fantastic! How artsy.

  2. This is already PERFECT!! The colours and design are so beautiful!!! :D

  3. Woah these are incredible Mina! If you said they were decals you would have fooled me. They are perfect in every way (poppies are my favourites so I may be biased haha).

  4. Lovely!! So bright and cheery.

  5. SO pretty! I like the impressionist look of it all!

  6. I love how this turned out. They are abstract but I instantly saw the flowers. Also, interesting choice on the gold background, I like the effect it has.

  7. Beautiful flowers, and that gold barry m is one of my favourites!

  8. Ha, and you are saying you aren't good at this?! They are beautiful!!!

  9. You've really caught the soft, abstract flowers beautifully. :)

  10. Victoria - manicurator11/03/2015, 04:43

    These slay me. I adore them! <3

  11. Wow, thanks, dear! Quite the compliment :)

  12. Thank you so much, sweetie! They were hard to capture and I hope my skills improve, 'cause I spent a ridiculous amount of time on these and they still look abstract haha ;)

  13. Aww, you're too kind, sweetie - I think they look too abstract but I'm focused on improving ;)

  14. It's a gorgeous polish and I love how awesome it is for stamping, too - ever tried it for stamping?

  15. Aww, thank you Meghan for being so nice :)
    I fight for the day when I actually manage realistic flowers, though haha - gotta keep working.

  16. Thank you so much, Ida, you're a darling **

  17. Thank you so much, John :)

  18. hehehe, thanks, hun - I feel they're a slight improvement on some poppies I did a year and some ago, but I long for the day I can make realistic flowers, if you know what I mean ;)

  19. Thank you so, so much, sweetie <3

  20. Sweetie, you're the best! Thank you so much!! <3

  21. Thank you so, so much, Lisa :))

  22. Wow this is so incredibly beautiful.


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)