
Monday, March 02, 2015

Facial Palsy Nails to Raise Awareness

Facial Palsy.UK awareness week started yesterday and Atima (aka @nailsbynemo) asked some of us ladies to join in and help spread awareness. 

HERE, you  can read more about Atima's story and personal victories.

Yesterday we posted a collage of everyone's creations, which you can see HERE and this is my own:

Facial Palsy Nails to Raise Awareness

Can you see his smile? No?
Well, that's because when suffering from Facial Palsy the muscles and nerves on the affected part of your face are so weakened or even damaged that you can't make yourself smile - you can learn more about it HERE.

Facial Palsy Nails to Raise Awareness

Purple is the awareness colour for Facial Palsy so you can go ahead and paint your nails purple - don't forget the tag!
I went with this lilac/lavender (?) purple shade instead, to make my design clear to everyone. I used Flormar Beauty Toys BT08 Pony Tale.
Everything else was freehand, using acrylic paint.

Facial Palsy Nails to Raise Awareness

Facial Palsy is still very misunderstood and research for treatment and a possible cure is quite underfunded, so we're hoping this little initiative will be fruitful in changing that. 


Therefore, it would mean a lot, if you'd join us with your nail or makeup creations and post them on FB or Instagram with the hashtag #FaceMyDay. 
Can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I knew you would nail the mani for this project! This purple shade is beautiful and your free-hand skills are to die for :) Great job sweetie.

  2. This is really a beautiful dedication - I love seeing manis to raise awareness. <3 Not to mention, that purple is amazing!

  3. I saw the collage of all of these manicures on Instagram...a really touching tribute!

  4. Great nail art for a great cause ❤

  5. Love what you did here, very creative! Great cause too!

  6. This is a great cause, I have a close friend with this disorder and you're very right it's quite misunderstood. Love that purple!

  7. These are so nice to show support for the cause.

  8. What a great idea. a lovely shade by the way!

  9. This one hits close to home as my sister-in-law was afflicted by this last year. Fortunately she has recovered almost completely, but it was a difficult and painful time for her. I think it's great that Atima had the courage to reach out for support and that you're helping with awareness!

  10. So lovely of you to show your support :) love that purple!

  11. It was a pleasure - and yes the purple is a cutesy ;)

  12. Thank you, glad you think so, dear.

  13. Happy to hear your siste-in-law overcame it all - I can't imagine all the emotional struggle this condition has on people. I think the physical is perhaps the least of it all. And I agree, Atima did show such courage and strenght putting herself out there!

  14. Thank you so much, Lisa. I wanted something special.

  15. Thank you, John - it's always great to see you like it.

  16. Thank you, hun.
    If only we talked more about it - hopefully this initiative will reach people :)

  17. Thank you so much, Allie! I also think it's a great cause to support :)

  18. Thanks, hun :))

  19. I was quite happy to be part of it - the initiative and its purpose is really moving, really.

  20. Same here! They not only show how strong a community can be when everyone gets together, but I also feel it does broaden the awareness spectrum of people - do you know what I mean?

  21. Aww, sweetie! Don't know what to say to that! <3 Thank you so much, luv **


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)