
Thursday, March 05, 2015

Anti-Stress Nails #A2Z - Q is for Quirky

My nails for today's challenge may not be practical at all, but I promise they'll make you laugh.

Quirky was the theme, which asked for something strange, unusual and not normal, but still cool.

So... I came up with:

anti-stress nails

Bubble Wrap Nails!!
Hahahah - beat that for quirky ;)

anti-stress nails

I took the chance to wear Purple Professional Royal Winter Ball Infant once again.
Each bubble was individually cut from the wrap piece and place on each nail, while it was still wet.
I then placed the caviar beads, one by one, around it, to make these look like special anti-stress jewels! haha

anti-stress nails

Now, I know what you're thinking: 'I'd never wear this!' or even 'This is stupid!'
But they're quirky and c'mon, you'll admit to wanting to pop these bubbles ;)

So, be honest - how crazy (but still fun) are these? ;)
Let me know in the comments and check everyone's quirky nails for today's challenge in the inlinkz photos below ;)
You can also check the full archive to this challenge here.
Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Soooo, did you pop the bubbles after? C'mon, tell. You know you did.

  2. Hahaha, it *is* quirky and it made me laugh :D .

  3. This is pretty and quirky :)

  4. I wasn't finished reading your article and the only thing I had in mind was "I want to pop these bubbles. I want to pop these bubbles" :D Honestly, you came up with something very original !

  5. LOL the first thing I thought on seeing these was "pop the bubbles!" I have never seen anything like this mani before, it's definitely unique and cool! Please tell me you popped them before you removed the mani :)

  6. Hahaha these put a huge smile on my face! They are super unusual but I still think they look totally wearable :D great job!

  7. This fits the theme perfectly, although I don't pop bubble wrap on purpose (so wasteful!).

  8. The theme is very very respected! How strange are them! But so original! When i first saw your post, I thought they looks like condoms! lol

  9. Yup, I want to pop those bubbles lol! Reminds me of when I was a little girl. My grandparents had their own store and sold a lot of fragile products. They had large rolls of bubble wrap in the back and I would always get a piece of it to play with :D!

  10. Bubble wrap exists purely to be popped! I have a bit of a thing for bubble wrap, I just can't bear to throw it away because it might be useful. When I recently collected together all the pieces I'd insisted on saving it filled a whole sack! So ... now I know what to do with it ... bubble wrap nails of course! :) You made me smile today ... definitely Quirky with a capital Q!

  11. OMG!! I totally adore this!!! xD This is the craziest mani I've ever seen but it looks super fun and definitely an anti-stress for sure!!! Love it Love it Love it!!!! xD

  12. hahah - so, so happy you liked it that much, sweetie, thank you! :))

  13. I'll hi-5 you for that, Kathryn, my fellow bubble wrap popper! heheh
    I know what you mean - I also tend to keep any and every bubble wrap pieces (I even detach those that come inside envelopes haha)

  14. You lucky girl!! Oh, the neverending supply of fun ;)
    Happy these made you think of that *

  15. You're not the only one! hahah - when I showed BF the photos he said the exact same thing ;)

  16. Meghan, I admire your self-control!! :))
    I do try that sometimes but afterwards I know I'll pop even more fiercely ;)

  17. Thank you, John!

  18. Thank you, sweetie!! I couldn't wear them for long without popping them, though haha ;)

  19. I know, right? Let me tell you they didn't go long without being popped - I just haaaad to! ;)

  20. Thanks, luv - it's funny 'cause while I was making these all I could think was: 'please, don't pop, please don't pop'
    But once, photos were taken I did have some fun haha ;)

  21. Thank you so much, lovely! :D

  22. Yay! Mission accomplished! Thank you, honey *

  23. Thanks, Lisa <3

  24. Yassssss :) how could I not to, right? ;)

  25. Victoria - manicurator08/03/2015, 21:06

    You totally win the quirky award!! Way to think outside of the box!! :D

  26. Rainbowify Me09/03/2015, 18:37

    Hahaha, that's so cool! :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)