
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pastel Nails #A2Z - P is for Pale

Today's theme caught off guard as I had no idea what to do for it.

I went with a rather simple design, but I like the outcome nonetheless.

Stamping Pastel Nails

Here's my pastel nails for this week's Pale prompt.

vernizes inocos

I painted all my nails with  two coats of Inocos Brinquinho and stamped them using Barry M Gold Foil Effects and stamping plate Born Pretty 02.
I then did a tape mani and covered both my tips and nail beds with Inocos Amarelinho.

Stamping Pastel Nails

I feel like the colours in this one don't suit my skin at all - it's like they darken my skin to the point when it looks dirty. 
The photos of my nails wearing light, pastel colours always look weird to my eye.

What do you think? And how do these suit the theme?
Leave me your opinion in the comments and check everyone's (much better) go at today's challenge ;)

There is also a full archive for this challenge available here.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I think it looks beautiful on you but I know the feeling of how weird pastels can look in photos. They are tricky to capture! I really love that Amarelinho shade! I have no idea what colour to describe it as but it is gorgeous! :)

  2. I think it looks quite nice on you! Though I know what you mean, I feel that way about blue-purples, they just don't look right on me.

  3. I think the colour looks nice on you, very bridal <3

  4. So so subtle and beautiful...great job!

    And, these are a nice fit for the #teamwhiteandgold vs #teamblueandblack that took over the internet yesterday ;)

  5. The golden lace stamping is just SO perfect - like @Lucie H. (Lucy's Stash) said, very bridal!

  6. Awww I really like this :) Your skin looks fine but I definitely have a similar problem with pales but they make me look kind of dead because I am so pale myself.

  7. Thank you so much, luv.
    And I know what you mean: some polishes, no matter how much we love them, just aren't for our skin tones, am I right? ;)

  8. Thank you so much, sweetie! I am trying to get pro at stamping hehe
    And, you're both right, ladies, this would quite fit a bride :)

  9. You're so kind, dear, thank you! I feel like sometimes the shades I love the more are the ones who make my hands look the ugliest haha ;)

  10. Victoria - manicurator02/03/2015, 13:31

    So lovely and delicate. I know what you mean but I like the shade on you :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)