
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twin Mani with @lissamel9

Mel (aka @lissamel9) is the sweetest thing and one whom I'm quite happy my nail art adventures has brought my way :)
Yesterday, I forgot to share our latest collab together, so here it is today:

We got inspired by the cutest Winter pattern and I love Mel's take on the theme - she made the design really shine and her nails look so cute!

winter nails

Mine don't look as cute or as sharp, and even though I prefer Mel's version, I still quite like mine, too ;)

winter nails

I freehanded the design with acrylic paints over two coats of Inocos Pico.
And I gotta say it felt good freehanding some nail art on my own, after my stamping spree heheh :)

What do you think? Do I still have it - the good freehand modjo, that is? ;)
If you liked Mel's design, don't forget to show her some love over on her Instagram, Facebook or directly on her awesome blog, Nailrotica :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. That's funny how you two chose particular the berry branch for your manicures :))) I like your version more ;))

  2. Ahh!! You both did a fantastic job!!! The design looks so fun and super cute!! :D

  3. Awww, thank you so much, sweetie! So glad you liked it! *hugs*

  4. heheh - I think the berries were very eye-catching ;)
    Thank you so much for your always nice words, sweetie <3

  5. Thank you, Lisa :))


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)