Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tropical Nails For A Rainy Day

After yesterday's blues, I felt my nails should feature something bright and fun to counter the rain ;)

This is what they wore:

tropical skittlete nails

Tropical nails! And glitter! And studs! :))

tropical nails

 I applied some cute (and bright) leaf-y nail stickers on my index and middle finger.
Application was NOT smooth (see tip of middle finger), which is what drives me away from such nail products, but ...

tropical skittlete nails

I then painted my thumb and ring finger with Kiko Pearly Golden Green (No.533) and my pinkie with Inglot O2M No.692 and applied some rounded studs to match the nail stickers.

And that's my skittlete mani for today - I hope you liked it :)
Have a cosy, warm night, lovelies <3

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. These look great! Its been rainy and cloudy so seeing these nails makes my day a bit brighter.

  2. So pretty and bright! Love it <3

  3. Thank you, ma love! Glad you liked them <3

  4. Awww, I'm so glad I could cheer up your grey-ish day, hun! Thank you for making me smile, too, with your always nice words :*


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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