
Monday, September 15, 2014

31DC2014 - Day 15: Delicate Pattern

Every time I start writing another post I only feel like shouting to the world: I've made it! I'm still here! BOOYAH! :)

And today is another major 2 in 1 mani, where I've combined both 31DC2014 Day 15 theme - delicate pattern - and Endless Summer Nails Challenge theme - destination city.

I bring you my take on...

Moroccan nails

Moroccan tile/mosaic pattern :)

delicate, intricate pattern in gold

Of course I simplified them but that makes them even more awesome, 'cause they're my take on the theme, right? 

freehand Moroccan pattern

I started by painting all my nails with Kiko Pearly Golden Sesame (No.479) - I love this nail polish sooo much!

31DC2014 - Day 15: Delicate Pattern

While those two coats dried fully, I mixed some green and red acrylic paint to get me this cool brown shade.

Moroccan mosaic pattern

And I drew my recreation of a Moroccan mosaic pattern, 'cause it's delicate and 'cause that's where I wouldn't mind visiting next :)

I hope you've enjoyed this one - it'll surely be one of my favourite at the end of this challenge - it may no tbe perfect but it's almost close to it, don't you think?
Let me know down below in the comments and, for a great Tuesday, here's some

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Last Year's Delicate Print Nails:


  1. How pretty and soft this looks! Great job with the theme.

  2. OOOOOOohhh so pretty, and I can't believe you got green and red to turn that color!

  3. This is so beautiful Mina! And I totally agree with your first comment... every day when I hit that Publish button with a new post, I do a lil fist pump haha!

  4. Espectacular! :D É das nail arts mais criativas que já vi neste challenge! :) E também adoro o Kiko 479, como não? :p Beijinhos


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)