
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

31DC2014 - Day 10: Gradient Nails

I made it to 31DC2014 Day 10 alive and kinda of sane! Yesterday's design was submited very red line like, 'cause work got in the way and, although I'd rather paint my nails all day everyday, work is a priority ;)

Nevertheless, I'm making it up to you today with a gorgeous design, inspired by the wild and talented Cristine from @simplynailogical (her YouTube channel here and her Facebook page here - go like her everywhere, now - go, go, go! :))).

Not only do I love Cristine's work - she's the inventive mastermind behind the scaled gradient nails - but I also love how lovely and lively she is within the nail art community.

She's got the wittiest come backs for internet bullies and trolls and she always replies to your comments and words in the sweetest way possible, with a pinch of sense of humour. Yep, love the gal ;)

Single chevron Scaled Gradient

Here's my recreation of her well-known single chevron scaled gradient.
She's got a great tutorial for this manicure here

31DC2014 - Day 10: Gradient Nails

My come out isn't as neat and perfect as hers (damn you sticky tape!) but this will probably be one of my favourite manis in the whole challenge and for quite a long time.

scaled gradient

I've used two matte metallic polishes, which dry pretty fast and made this attempt at the scaled gradient less nightmarish ;)
They were Leticia Well Metallic Matte Nos. 12 and 20 (swatches to these beauties here).

henna flowers

And now, just in case you don't remember I'm also participating in the Endless Smmer Nail Challenge, here's how I transformed these.

henna design

Today's theme was 'Flowers' and I went with henna flowers, 'cause this year at the beach you'd see many, many, artisans offering temporary henna tattoos.
So, of course these remind me greatly of Summer.

henna tattoo

And that's badly needed, believe me - we've been having the most awful kind of rainy weather!!
So unexpected and so depressing, really! 
Thank the lord for nail art challenges that lift up our mood, hey? ;)

I hope you've enjoyed these as much as I have - again, thank you so much for all the love you've been showering me with, both here, on the blog, and on all my social networks: you are the best!! <3

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Last Year's Gradient Nails:


  1. This is lovely! I like the effect and the floral detail is nice too.

  2. Amazing :D Love the flowers!

  3. I love Cristine's nails and yours are beautiful exactly like hers. I like it a lot that you added the hand painted flowers on this gradient!

  4. Totally in love with this mani! Those polishes are so beautiful. And your nail art is so fitting!
    Thank you for introducing us to Cristine - her work looks very interesting and I am going to try her method of oiling nail brushes. That is something I have never done - I only have a couple of art brushes that mainly languish in the drawer but I do use them occasionally and have never thought about them needing oil.
    lol, Isn't it awful when work gets in the way of doing nails! I am glad you are enjoying this challenge. I am beyond impressed that you nail bloggers take on these tasks and still manage to have careers and/or families and friends and/or an outside life!

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous dear! seriously, what an awesome gradient. Please, share your secret with me... I just can't get the transition that smooth... haaaaaaaaaaa
    The flowers are just perfect, as usual! <3

  6. Cristine's gradients are on top of my ToDo list and you did them gorgeously justice! I'm mesmerized <3

  7. This is beautiful, love the gradient alone but the flowers make it really unique.

  8. Aweeee gorgeous!!! A flor é a masterpiece depois de um scale gradient cuja cores são lindas! :D Quero fazer lol Mas tenho andado a adiar o scale gradient... don't know why though :p Kisses***


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)