
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Polisher's Inc. - Recreate a Pattern

Yay! Are you all ready for another Polisher's Inc. challenge? :)

And today we have someone new join the fun - meet Emma from Finland, behind the blog Wasting Lifestyle, who does wonders with stamping ;)

For today's theme - Recreate a Pattern - I thought I'd give it another try at recreating an Azulejo pattern.

azulejo nails intricate pattern

I've looked at a couple designs and went about painting my own take on this beautiful Portuguese art.
What do you think? 

azulejo nails intricate pattern

I didn't go for the normal white and blue combo, choosing this Kiko No.345 instead, which, for some reason is showing a lot brighter than it actually is.

azulejo nails intricate pattern

I painted the pattern using a mixture I made of the different acrylic paints in blue I own, to make it similar to that in original Azulejo.

azulejo nails intricate pattern

I smudged the design a bit with clean up and despite the lines being slightly too thick for my liking I'm not that displeased with the result.

How about you? Do you think I managed to keep faithful to the original? Let me know down below in the comment section and don't forget to check everyone else's take on today's theme :)

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend, lovelies.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Thanks for having me and thank you for the compliment :D I absolutely love your creation! It probably took you ages to do this, woah! I can't freehand anything so I really admire this :)

    1. Don't worry, hun - I can't stamp to save my life, so... ;)
      Happy you joined the team - it'll be fun to have you with us <3

  2. I LOVE it! Reminds me of a typical Danish pattern also, one called 'Musselmalet'... Totally old school :)
    And well done on the free handing. Quite time consuming, I imagine ;)

    1. hehehe - it was indeed time consuming, back cramps haunted me for the rest of the evening, but worth it, I'd say :)
      Musselmalet is quite beautiful - amazing how some art translates from one culture to the other ;))

  3. These are nice! It looks like a floral lace pattern to me.

    1. It does resemble lace, yes, you're right! Happy that you've liked it, sweetie, thank you **

  4. You nailed it, it looks perfect. First I really thought it is stamping and after reading it I was just going Wow, wow, I can not believe it that is hand painted! Your super skilled. For me this mani looks like old china, I absolutely love the effect!

    1. Awww, thank you so , so much, honey - your words brightened up my day :))

  5. Hi Mina, your design is great I love azulejos too and tried (failed) a couple of times on my nails, but not even close to your master piece!

    1. Hey, sweetie!! Thank you so much - how nice it is to have you around <3
      And don't belittle your beautiful nails - you're being too harsh, I'm sure ;)

  6. Wow, such patience! Love it :D

    1. hehe - indeed! Thank you so much, sweetie :)

  7. Oh Mina, these are just incredible <3 And the lines are not too thick! It's just perfect and I admire your patience for making all the nails in this complicated pattern. LOVE!

    1. Awww...
      Thank you so much, honey!! I love nail art to bits, so I guess that helps with finding the patience haha ;)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)