
Friday, August 08, 2014

Homer says 'TGIF' with Inocos

Today's manicure is one of my favourites! Summer has been M.I.A. around these Portuguese parts of mine and the only sunshine I can always be certain to rely on is that on my nails.

With that in mind, I chose the happiest shade from those Inoeh Care sent me and flaunt it with the awesomest nail art ever! ;)

Wooo-hoooo! TGIF!!
Who else feels the same? :)

I've used Inocos Cocó, which is the brightest, most egg yolk like polish I own.
It sure makes for up for the lack of sunshine we've been having these last couple of days :)
I was thinking what nail art to paint on these summery nails when Homer Simpson made its appearance on my mind :) 

Let's admit it: the colour is perfect! :) 
My initial idea was to have the whole Simpson family on my nails but after completing Homer I no longer had the courage nor the strenght left to it. hahah

Believe it or not, painting and drawing do not come easy to me and I do really have to concentrate and work hard to make these acceptable to the eye! haha
Add to that my innability to draw faces and you get yourself a Homer Simpson that took almost an hour to paint - and look how simple looking the guy is! 

It took me a while to declare this one finished but I'm quite happy with the result! It looks like Homer and that's a great victory :)
Also, and because it's the weekend and we can all indulge in something we like, I had to paint a doughnut, just had to :)

I hope you enjoyed this one and that it put a smile on your lovely faces!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Love the Homer and donut! I grew up watching The Simpsons too.

    1. hahah - the Simpsons are just fab. Really happy you liked it all, dear :))

  2. Oh, man! I love this and donuts!

    1. mmmm... donuts ;)
      hehehe - thank you, Ashley! **

  3. Yellow is my favorite color and this one is stunning! I usually go for lemon yellow but the depth on this shade of yellow is unique. Hopefully, it will encourage the sun to appear for you!

    The Homer Simpson artwork is great! I admire all sorts of art but my minimalistic soul is always drawn to deceptively simple-looking pen and ink or pencil or conte drawings and sketches. But I like fun also, so, hey, that donut! It looks so yummy I have a feeling I will be sending my husband out for pastries for breakfast! And I must say, thanks for leaving some nails with just that yellow - talk about yummy! (plus, I think it makes the nails with art on them more special.) Hope you all have a relaxing weekend!

    1. Now, YOU made me crave for donuts hahah :) And just now that I'd forgotten all about it ;)
      I also love the whole just ink or pencil simple drawings and wish I could get away with them more often - really glad you liked these, sweetie, thank you for stopping by! <3

  4. What a great job you did drawing Homer and the doughnut! I hope to be able to freehand half as well someday. Thanks for sharing!! :-)

    1. Awww, thank you for such a nice compliment, Lesley :))
      And keep practising - it's really the main key ;)

  5. Wow the color just so wow!! Perfect!! Love the designs as well :D

    1. It's a very wow kind of yellow, yes hehehe :)
      Thank you for you nice words, happy you liked it all <3

  6. oh my oh my this is one of the brightest (and prettiest) yellow polishes i've ever seen!


    1. hehehe, thank you!! - and the formula is great, too, which makes it even better ;)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)