
Monday, July 21, 2014

Who Likes Sushi?

So... today's mani comes with a dedication. 
You may not always be aware how hard it is to sometimes juggle it all: nail art, photo editing and blogging and social media interacting with (1) a 9 to 6 job, (2) three kitty kats and a home to take care of, (3) family life and (4) a happy love life.

Juggling does prove hard at times and I know I would never be able to do it as good as I do if it weren't for Bf's strong support - thanks, Love <3

Of course that means that Bf and I sometimes need to reach an agreement: if I'm to do my nails (yet again!) then I have to get inspired by and dedicate it to him somehow ;)

That's what today's mani is all about:

Sushi nails!!
I had never ever had sushi before I started dating Bf ;)

Not that I'd eat this Nigiri though - I still can't eat the whole raw fish thing - the texture irks me and I can't swallow it without retching (a whole lot of TMI on this post ;)), but I can't deny their look very yummy ;)

Here's a macro shot of Mr. Nigiri Kawaii, which I wish I'd been able to paint slight more perfect.
(I think I need to buy/make a new detail nail art brush)

This is the nail polish I wore as background and...
I. Am. In Love.
A perfect, smooth two-coater, brilliant peach-y, nude-y shade.
The shimmer is its own, as no topcoat was used during the making of this swatch! Perfection, I tell you :)

Plus!, Flormar has names now! Yay!!! :D
This is Flormar Jelly Look Salmon Pink (JL02).
Now, do you see why I had to choose this baby to match today's nail art, right? ;)

After completing the accent nail I though nothing would go better with it than simple orange dots (the same orange as the salmon's bit) and voilĂ : all done! :)

I hope you've liked this one - it surely made my Monday a happier day ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Oh! Such a great color! And this Mr. Nigiri Kawaii is really pretty!

    1. hehehe - thank you sweetie! :)
      And thank you for stopping being always with nice words *


    1. thank you sooo much, you adorable person, you :)

  3. Love the yellow polka dots over that pink! That sushi is so cute too.

    1. Glad you liked the polka dots - thank you!
      I was really pleased I managed a cute and simple look with them :)

  4. Aw, so cute! I'm not too keen on sushi either, except for this particular Salmon treat... Now I kinda urge it! Especially since I can't eat raw fish at the moment ;)
    And yes to the juggle struggle! It's a form of art to make it all run smoothly. Sweet compromise you've made :)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, dear! Yes, we do lead busy lives hehehe
      And no siree, no raw fishies for you - hope you're having a wonderful pregnancy, hun <3

  5. These are so cute. And, I think it is utterly perfect that all Bf requires is nails dedicated to him. So sweet. :) That flomar polish does look amazing....making a note....and your artwork is precious. :)

    1. Awww, sweetie! You've made me smile! Thank you so much for your kind words <3

  6. This is so cute! <3 And yay for Flormar finally having names!

    1. Absolutely!! Yay!! Thank you, sweetie *

  7. This is such a great post! So many topics covered! I am always amazed at how nail bloggers are able to stay sane with all you do. Under the same conditions, I am afraid I would start feeling that blogging would become a demanding chore that I just have to get through. I would hate to feel that the pretties (polish) and my nails have become Work! I am sure at times it does get a bit stressful for you all and I am so thankful that you have the full support of your dear BF.

    heheh, Mr. Kawaii is so cute! Scrumptious! During our long, hot and humid summers here, I feel I could live on (freshly-prepared) sushi. (And round it out with the raw veggie rolls!) Salmon sashimi is my favorite, more so than tuna. Isn't it serendipitous to have found such a beautiful, perfect salmon-colored polish?! (and Yay! for names!)

    The subtle dots are just an ideal finishing touch on your design/mani. Splendid!

    1. honey, your comments always make my day!!
      I feel like if we ever met, we'd talk endlessly haha :)
      Thank you so, so much, for always finding the time in your (I'm sure also) busy life to always write such kind, sweet words to me - THANK YOU <3

  8. I have from this collection Pure Milk, but I am not very pleased with it, but this pale pink shade is truly beautiful. I may have to try this one too! Very cute your design :)

    1. I have to agree with you - the white is a bit too runny and it tends to flood your cuticles if your not careful. Nonetheless it covers in two coats, so it's not too bad ;)
      As for this colour, you should definitely try it - it's beautiful, hun!
      And thank you so much for stopping by*

  9. OMG I just think about doing sushi nails last day and saw this mani making me wanted to creat it as soon as possible!! this is too cute for real!! and that sweet pink base color your use is just perfect for sushi theme. I'm so in love with this design!! cuteness overload!! I hope I can make sushi nails as cute as you do :D xx

    1. hahah! You should totally go for it, hun ;)
      Thank you again for your sweet words and just so you know I totally loved your Doraemon manicure - soooo cool! :))

  10. Kawaaaiiiii!!!!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)