
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Watermelon Cupcakes

If I had to choose one thing that's all the rage this Summer, that would be Fruit Nails.
With watermelon and pineapple being at the top of the most painted on nails ever. 

I've already done a cute Kawaii watermelon slice (remember Watermelon Squishy?) and that was exactly two months ago - talk about coincidence ;)

But this time I decided to combo it with one of my favourites: cupcakes!!! :))

So... today there's watermelon cupcakes for everyone!!!
Yayy!!! :)

First of all, can I just say how much I love the colours in this one?
They're vibrant, they're happy, they scream Summer parties and they're just dead cute.
(I'm being so humble today it's amazing ;))

I'd though of white for the background first but concluded it'd be too harsh on the eyes - what with the bright colours and all - so I went with a soft, pale yellow instead.
I've used Inocos Amarelinho, which is the closest I've seen to Rimmel London Lemon Drop :)
Beautiful coverage in two thin coats, which dry super fast 3/4min.

For the fabulous cupcackes and the happy stripes, these were the polishes I wore.
From left to right, top to bottom, they are:
L'Oréal Acid Watermelon (seemed more than appropriate ;))
Essence Beach Cruisers I Love Summer Break
Kiko Mint (No.526)
Inocos Pequeno Pónei Lima

And because cupcakes always (ALWAYS) deserve a macro shot, here it is :)
I'm actually surprised that I managed them to look this clean, using nail polish only. I'm usually not one to paint/draw with nail polish, just because it dries ever so fast and gloopy isn't exactly the best state to be painting with.
But this time, I'm proud and happy to say I managed beautifully ;)

The only acrylic paint I used was for the watermelon slices, which I was afraid to screw up if I'd done them with nail polish.
I then used some stripping tape to use the four colours in stripes and applied a neon pink stud, just because it looked awesome there ;) hehehe

And that's that! Let me know if these are yummy enough to make you want to grab some cupackes yourself.
And on that note, I think you should do so, too - it's Sunday afterall :)
Happy Sunday, lovelies <3

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Beautiful design as always ;)! Happy Sunday:)

  2. Adorable! Makes me want watermelon.Very festive - gorgeous design and polishes! (and wow, on my monitor, you would never know the base had any yellow in it, looks white!)

    1. heheheh - Best compliment ever, dear - hope you've had some nice slices of watermelon after writing this ;)
      Ps. It's a very pale yellow ;)

  3. I love it ♥
    It's a cute, fresh summer-design *-*

    1. Yay for Summer! :) Thank you so much, sweetie!


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)