
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Haven't Had Enough Of Buttons Yet!

And may the Nail Lord ever forbid that from happening because today's mani is quite cute and should that have already happened, it wouldn't exist today.

(Insert crazy introduction text, that no one is likely to understand when first reading it? Check! And moving on!)

Today's button however, has forever been in my accessories drawer, so it's not one of those I randomly find somewhere.
Have a look:

Isn't it the cutest lil' thing? (yes, I always say that about nearly everything cute :))

Do you know what my faovurite part about these is?
How fabulous they look matte. It's like they're some sort of sweet treat, all neatly decorated for some important event.
Nail Art & Sweets = perfect combination ever!

I started by painted my nails two coats of Inocos Pequeno PĆ³nei Fofinho, the cutest softest pink shade I own.

I started by painting the leaves and simpler flowers on my thumb - which is what I usually do to get used to the design's line and not screw the whole mani up (do you do this too?) - and I love how that turned out!

Then I painted the rest of the nails, using acrylic paints.
I finished it all with two thin coats of matte topcoat and wore these proudly everywhere! :))

Do you also think they came out looking good? Are you sick of my buttons already? ;)
Let me know down in the comments below all that you're thinkin and enjoy your evening, lovelies!

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Oh my! You made another PERFECT button mani <3 And you recreated it just insanely well :) I absolutely love it sweetie and you are right, they look so good mattified!

    1. Sweetie! Thank you so, so much!! *hugs*
      And matte is the next best thing :))

  2. What a gorgeous recreation!

    1. Thank you so much, dear! Happy you liked it :)

  3. I love florals!! And this design is not an exception!)) Gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so, so much, honey! I do know you love flowers - you make the prettiest floral manis :)

  4. These are just as cute as a button! Love your button nails, please don't stop! I really like the matte effect too, it makes them soft and fabric looking, well in my mind it does. :)

    1. Awww, thank you so much for stopping by, you amazing lady!! And thank you for your input - it makes me happy my buttons are well liked :))


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)