
Thursday, July 03, 2014

Fierce Bridal Nails

I'm aware today's mani won't please everyone and not everyone will connect to it, but hopefully someone will and someone will think it awesome.

The best thing about nail art is how versatile it can be (it can teach us all sooo much about tolerance).
Now, I know what I'm about to show you isn't a bridal look many would go for, but I know there's someone out there who'll think these just perfect ;)

There we go then:

I did say these were fierce! Was I right or was I right? ;)
Can figure out the meaning behind them, too?

My accent nail was made with two coats of Essence Bejeweled.
It's a gorgeous polish, but it's meant to act as a topcoat, so mind that you wear an opaque pearly polish underneath it ;)

I used my favourite black polish - Purple Professional No.18 - for the rest of the nails.

And now an upclose shot, so I let you in on the story behind this mani.
These, ladies and gentlemen, are the bride and groom!
Get it now? :)

Even if you don't think these bridal enough, I hope you've liked them - specially 'cause they're a lot of fun and they'd be perfect to rock any special occasion, anyhow! ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. These would be so. Freaking. Cool. As a birdal mani.
    Especially combined with matching shoes. Preferably spiked ones!

    1. Yay!! You totally get me! I was so sad I didn't have spiked studs hahaha :))

  2. Its very edgy which I like!

    1. So happy you liked it, sweetie! Thank you :)

  3. Hahah, Mina, what an imagination you have! There sits an ethereally delicate pastel polish 'bride' and next to 'her' is a gleaming studded raven polish 'groom'. I feel like I am in a Billy Idol music video!!

    1. hahaha - honey, you read my mind :)
      What you described fits my idea perfectly! *hugs*

  4. These are super cute - I love the idea behind them!

    1. Yay! Another win - thank you for your comment, sweetie :)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)