
Friday, July 18, 2014

Andy Warhol Goes Bananas With Inocos

And today's twice as good, because... ta-da!!

I'm happy to present you my most recent collab/partnership with one of my favourite Portuguese nail polish brands: Inoeh Care (check their FB here)
Each Friday I'll be bringing you a nail design, done with their nail polishes only, so look forward to that ;)

Here's the first one: Yay for Andy Warhol!! 
You know how much I love Pop Art, right? And believe it or not, these three polishes were the first ones coming out of the package I received from Inoeh Care.
It was meant to be :)

Here's another gorgeous and creamy white polish by Inocos.
Inocos Pico applies beautifully in two coats and dries incredibly fast - 3/4min. Another great white polish and one I totally recommend.

Inocos 0% Efeitos Preto is also a fabulous fast drying polish and you can easily get away with one coat, if your nails are short - I applied two thin ones.

 I'd already swatched and loved Inocos Cocó before (see swatches here and nail art here) and now I've got two of them - yay! heheh

Onto the manicure then. I thought a skittle mani was the best I could plan for this.
I painted all my nails white, apart from my pinkie, which I painted black.
On my middle finger I painted some yellow stripes over the white, with striping tape.

On my thumb I drew a bana peel, also very Pop Art style.
And this one was my favourite! I even featured it with a real banana over on Instagram (look here) heheehe.

And, finally, on my ring finger I drew the Andy Warhol banana, which, although it came out a bit chunkier than the original one, I love to bits nonetheless :)

Let me know how you liked these and how even more excited about Fridays you are now ;)

Have an awesome Friday evening, lovelies, and an even more awesome weekend <3

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. what a cute design!! I love this very much!! xx :D

    1. Yay, happy you do - thank you so much, sweetie!

  2. It's awesome! Love the bananas!

    1. Thank you so much!!! Bananas are good for you ;) hehehe

  3. These are so fun! Those bananas look awesome too.

  4. Congrats with this partnership! I really love this mani!))

    1. Thank you so much, Anastasia!! Happy you like it, dear :)

  5. I cannot tell you how much your design/mani makes me smile - I am thrilled! I love white and black manis with a pop of color! You got this SO right! Love your nanners (bananas!). The striped nail goes so well with this type of art.

    Delighted to hear of you representing Inocos! You have shown many of their polishes in your nail art and they are ALL so pretty. I truly wish this brand was available in the U.S.! My best wishes on your association with Inocos.

    1. Awww, hun...
      Thank you so, so much for always being this awesome when commenting!! You truly always make my day! :)
      And I do know how much you like Inocos - maybe one day... and I won't say more ;)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)