
Monday, April 07, 2014

The Swatch Game Week: Catrice Crushed Crystals

You might have seen this on my Instagram last Friday night, but in case you haven't, this is it:

After some time with a no-buy policy I kind of went a bit crazy.
As this was a bit too many polishes to swatch and show over the weekend, I decided to prepare a special week for you all: The Swatch Game Week! Yay! :)
Stay tuned throughout this week for swatches of all these lovelies!
Oh, and just because I'm crazy nail art obssessed, the week after this one I'll bring you posts with nail art designs using each and all of these polishes ;)

Let's go for the first two beauties, then:

From the Crushed Crystals edition, introducing Catrice Oyster and Champagne.

Never a name was more accurate - this polish exhudes luxury and it reminds you of nothing more than big salons and ball dances, exquisite dresses and refined hors d'ouevre.
Can you tell I love it already? ;)

I am sorry my photos don't make justice to this beauty.
It's a mixture of golden sand of your very own private beach and tiny golden rose glitter - PERFECTION!

Perfect coverage in two coats (though if you have longer nails it migh tbe three) and I didn't even use a base colour polish!
I fell head over heels with this one  and it will be in my favourite list forever ;)

Now, onto:

Also from the Crushed Crystals edition: Catrice PLUMdogMillionaire.
And can we just take a second to love the name of the polish?!! 
Do you know that dream we, polishaholics, have of having a job naming polishes?
Yep, it's because of polishes such as this one ;)

After trying Oyster and Champagne I didn't think I could love any polish just as much on first sight, but I was wrong!
Can this one be any more perfect!?

Gorgeous plum colour and tiny blue and fuschia glitter!? 
YES, please!
Again, lovely in two coats (go for three if your nails are longer) and... because I couldn't resist to it...

... here's ...

Now, shut up! This is a knock out!! I applied two thin layers of top coat and I must have lost half an hour just staring at this gorgeousness!! 

Hope you've liked these two beauties - I sure did - and beware next Monday, as there'll be a nail art post with these bombs ;)

But!, before that, make sure you check back tomorrow for another Swatch Game post - you won't regret it.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I like them! But I'm still in love with those Claire's:)

    1. hehehe - how I understand you.
      I'm saving those for Friday ;)

  2. This is why I'm afraid to ever go on a no-buy. I feel like the aftermath will be even worse than my current habits.

    1. You're so right, Emiline! Yours is a very good strategy, much better than mine hehehe ;)

  3. I'm all dreamy about Oyster and Champagne. I might as well give in and get it!

    lol, I always put topcoat on, even textures. I can't stand the bumpiness. And the topcoat makes it amazing!

    1. Oh do give in - you'll feel wonderful! Muhahah! Sorry if I'm leading you astray, hun ;)
      I can go with certain texture polishes but other are just so pretty and shimmery that resisting the topcoat would be a sin, if you know what I mean :)

  4. I'm a sucker for shiny purples!

    1. Join the club, Ana! They make eyes worth to have hahahah ;)

  5. I love Oyster and Champagne soo much. I'll add this beauty to my wish list :D

    1. You won't regret it! In real life it's 1000 times more beautiful :))


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)