
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Cinderella Hand Is Feeling Like A Princess

I was so complimented on the polish I've been wearing on my nails since yesterday, I thought I'd give my Cinderella Hand a post of its own.

And I think you'll agree, after seeing the photos, that she deserved indeed a little spot light on her ;)

This is Flormar Black Dot BD02.

It's a lovely turquoise greenish shade and it has tiny rounded black glitter and big hexagons, too.

It's a creme polish but somehow you get to see the glitter from your first coat after you've applied a second one - the geniuses polish makers must know what they're doing ;)

I've applied two thin coats and they're enough to get full opacity, as you can see.
It also dries really fast - 10min after and you're good to apply your cuticle cream without getting smudges or pulling :)

I think that's what I love about Flormar polishes: they put out collections following the latest trend, the color payoff and the quality of the polish are amazing and the prices are really affordable! :)
AND it seems they have finally started naming their polishes, so no more letters and numbers! Yay!

I hope you don't mind the photo spam but I felt like pampering my Cinderella hand with a decent photo shoot: some posing and some pretty accessories ;)

Did you enjoy it as much as everyone who's been asking me about this polish? 
Do you happen to own and also like Flormar polishes? 

Let me know about it down below and hope to see you back here this evening for today's nail art look  ;)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. Replies
    1. Agree! Should definitely wear it more often! ;)

  2. I really like the Flormar black dot series, I own two of them and wear them a lot :) This one is very pretty too!

    1. I should get me some more - they're indeed beautiful and look so chic and elegant :)

  3. This color is so pretty! Love it.

  4. Oh Mina how lovely! I love your pictures so much! nice job <3

    1. Awww, thanks hun! That's a great compliment **

  5. That's so lovely, the milky colour with thw black and the multi layers of the glitters, I love rhese things *_* your Cinderella hand can be proud ;-)

    I have only 3 Flormars, two goldy/bronzy metallic/microglitter foils and one I thought was white but is so sheer, that you don't reallynsee it in 2 layers... but I like Flormar and will one day buy a lot, since we have a Flormar shop nearby...

    1. Awww, thanks, Moni - my Cinderella Hand was indeed proud ;)
      When you can, invest in some more Flormar polishes - I love the ones I've got and they're really so cheap! ;)


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)