Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Different Shades of Blue Autism Awareness Challenge Day 8 – Handprints

So... If I tell you I knew this would go wrong even before I did it, will you be able to not hate me so much?

For today's nail art challenge we were supposed to portray handprints on our nails.
And I did try - I tried with my nail stripper, I tried with my orange stick, I even tried with my gel pens!
All in all I failed miserably and my ring finger had to be redone several times - so, on top of it all, please don't mind the dry cuticles -.-'

I ended using loose glitter to form a handprint and although I do know it's short to cheating, it really was all I could do :/

Still want to see it? Well, don't say I didn't warn you...

Here she is in all her unglory - if that's even a word...
I've done it over two coats of Purple Professional No.32 and to make it all more like the challenge, I chose blue glitter.

And about the rest of my nails, you ask?

 I did a gradient on them - one of my biggest nail art fears and I'm pleased to say it came out good :) At least that!
I started with two coats of Bitty No.133, a beautiful creme periwinkle shade.
And I then sponged it with Bitty No. 136 to form the gradient.

At first, I thought they wouldn't go well together because the blue polish on the tips is quite bright but they actually managed to blend together in a beautiful almost effortless gradient :)

Of course I then had to ruin it all again - just a tad more - by using a stencil shape.
Or rather, as it was my first time with stencils, I didn't know you're not meant to clean it up with polish remover because it will eat away the material... hence the blurry design on middle finger and pinky...

Okay then, I think we can all agree, this was definitely a mani gone wrong in all ways possible.
I'm not even going to ask if you liked it - haha -.-'

Feel free to lash out on me though for such a bad job - that's what the comment section is also for - and I'll see you tomorrow with a much better mani ;)

Don't forget to check all other lovely manicures for today's challenge in the links down below :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Carmina from Cubbiful

Cordia from Seriously Swatched

Jessica from Nail Polish Anonymous

Kelly from Peace Love Lacquer

Laura from Little Laura Loves

Nicole from Dipped in Lacquer

Paulina from Paulina’s Passions

Rachael from Rachos Nail Love

Roxana from Beautylicious


  1. I like this mani! I think the way you did the handprint is creative :)

    1. Thank you so much! It means a lot that you liked it **

  2. Hi Mina. Don't be so harsh on yourself. I think you have done really well. I love the idea of using glitter with creating a hand print!

    1. Awww, you're a darling, Paulina - thank you for making me feel so much better **

  3. How you dare say this mani went wrong! I didn't even noticed what you said about the stencil, this is so gorgeous!
    you seriously need to work on your self-esteem, YOU ROCK!

    1. Hahaha - what a fantastic comment - thank you so very much!**
      I'm just the (very) perfectionist type I guess and whenever something is not 100% I just feel kind of 'meh!' ;)

  4. Like the other comments, you're being too harsh! It's not cheating... its being creative to use the glitter! I loved it!

    1. You're all awesome and plain sweet! :) thank you so much for making me feel much better :)

  5. Stunning!! The gradient is just beautiful, so delicate. And I agree with the other commenters! dry cuticles too? where? lol, your hands/nails look perfect xx

    1. Awww - you're so kind! It's the perfectionist in me popping up ;)
      Thank you so much **


You just made this girl smile! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your thoughts with me! :)

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